Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.

Stuck Up

“Bitch.” The word launched from him like a bullet from a gun. If it could slice through the air and pick her off, he’d feel an ounce of relief from his pain. He sucked in a breath barely staunching the flow of words threatening to spill forth. His mind seethed with rage as he watched …


A rush of emotion like the blush of a sunset If I could spell out the angst that covers me like dark clouds I’d retell the story of my soul “Once upon a time, there was this pretty brown-skinned girl with a heart full of hope” Oh, the stories I’d narrate to help that one …


My birth was a disaster in so many ways. The doctor, in a rush to free me from the restricting force of my mother’s uterus, damaged nerves pulling me out. My limbs are useless on my left side, but I’ve learned to get around and have adapted ways to care for myself. It’s not the …

In The Nick of Time

Arousal is a delicate thing More than the flowering of her cunt, More than wet desire coating plump lips. She’s seeking that mind-body connection Creeping into her being Deeper than a cock could plunge Stretching the walls of her psyche Leaving her breathless, crying out The name of her lover on her lips The one …