Just a quick sketch of thoughts fresh in my brain from tonight’s ride home Thin fingers, short nails rounded at the ends, skin that appears chaffed red by cold in some spots and an even apricot in others. I’m fascinated by his hand as it dangles unprotected in front of me. Curious as to whether …
I’m not saying I’m abandoning NaNo yet, but my inspiration is still absent. I managed about 4,000 words on Saturday, but haven’t felt the same drive to write since then. Really I think I’m expecting too much of myself (in a lot of areas of my life). I decided to share the first page from the story …
Waking up to you The heat of you at my back Arm beneath my breasts Your breath fanning my neck I am safe here Filled with want Savoring the hard press of you Enjoying the way you rise like the sun
November means NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month is underway. I’ve been low on creativity. It’s almost like being impotent this wanting to “get it up” but not being able to find the desire to write. So, my usual excitement surrounding NaNo is absent and it’s unsettling. My story feels forced and boring. I’m behind …
Her hips went up, exposing the delicious strip of her femininity to his eyes. He trailed a finger along the line of her back, around the curve of her bottom, skimming the wink of her back hole before slipping through the parted lips of her cunt. One finger pushed in and her wet heat swallowed …
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Go No, I won’t stop you Not because I don’t want you But because I don’t know how to keep you I wear my “don’t approach” like a shield And I’ve succeeded in pushing you away So go I’ll live behind my wall Going on with my mind intact And my heart in shreds
I ache and you know it. As you squeeze, knead, palm the full mounds of my ass, I press my face into the mattress and wait. I want you. Please, I want you so much. You groan. Your love of my overabundant assets is obvious from the weighty erection you sport, but I can’t see …
It’s been awhile because I’ve been taking a faster method to work, but the train is still my favorite way to go. – I haven’t wanted to suck cock in weeks, but something about the way he’s standing is making my mouth and my cunt water. The train is full enough that we’re both standing. …
To want me requires keen sense. Gazing at me and seeing brown skin, breasts to fill your palms, the curve of hip and thighs, and my ass plentiful. I give of tremendous heat, engulfed by my need But to have me takes a stout heart and a quick hand — “I’m not playing hard to …