“Bitch.” The word launched from him like a bullet from a gun. If it could slice through the air and pick her off, he’d feel an ounce of relief from his pain. He sucked in a breath barely staunching the flow of words threatening to spill forth. His mind seethed with rage as he watched …
My birth was a disaster in so many ways. The doctor, in a rush to free me from the restricting force of my mother’s uterus, damaged nerves pulling me out. My limbs are useless on my left side, but I’ve learned to get around and have adapted ways to care for myself. It’s not the …
The heavy metallic scent hit him before he opened the door. He paused, hand squeezing the knob, debating whether he should return to the safety of his car. Tamping down the nauseating combination of nerves and twisted excitement, he entered the house. It hit him like a wall. The thick, tinny smell became an iron …
What does it mean for you to obey me? His question bounced around in her mind as she struggled to quell the tremble of her limbs. She’d assumed her practiced pose the moment she’d walked into the room, trying to ignore both her discomfort and irritation at waiting there for him. The ache in her …
A different angle while I sort out Missy. His face wavered before her eyes, his expression morphing as the tears swam in her vision. She felt frozen, hovering above a yawning black chasm that was moments from swallowing her whole. The coo of her child seemed distant in her ears. She found she squeezed Kyle …
She was beautiful to him without even trying. Her imperfect parts they called to him With vulnerable eyes and sweet scent She was his in the most basic ways And he craved her, felt her in his blood Her essence woven intricately with his own Until he felt bound to her Until each breath became …
I love staying at business hotels. The places with the concierge and staff that will do anything for you. The places where the press of the men’s suits is exact and so pricey you can smell it in the lobby. The places that scream high end. Pretentious, uppity… Expensive. The taste of that word in …
Sometimes it’s good, you know? I do it to see if I’m getting better or worse. I wrote this last March and figured I’d repost. On initial drafting, I had worries about how this would be received or interpreted. Really it’s just a story. And it’s a draw on the writing. I could feel you. …
It’s a bit long, but I’m looking for help. Here are two unedited versions of beginnings for Hunter’s Gazelle. I’m asking for your opinion on each. Comments are closed so I’ll put a contact form for you to privately send your opinion. I’d appreciate the constructive critique. – 1) Sweat trickled down her face as …
Getting a story started. Hang tight. “Miss, you’ll have to hold your coat until after all the luggage is stowed.” “Oh, I’m sorry. I…” Missy glanced up from digging in her purse and the words died on her tongue. Her jacket was five inches from her face, but her eyes bypassed it to the tan …