Tag Archives: tired


When you’re tired from work, you take today’s #storyin12 and turn it into a 100 word drabble to maybe shake off the fatigue. – She loved playing the schoolgirl, knowing patent leather made him unbelievably hard. Her starched white blouse tied under her breasts so the curve of her belly showed, the plaid skirt that …


Sorry. Work was hectic so you get words of apology instead of sexy of any kind.  I’m feeling old and not particularly sexy considering I limped around like a 75 year old woman with osteoporosis and a bad hip all day. 12 hours of that and I was downing pain killers like it was my …

My Mind @ Work

Currently at work about to start that 12 (11 now) hour routine. It’s a holiday, not the point of this post, but it’s worth saying Happy 4th to my fellow Americans. I’ve been thinking, considering things over the last few days. One strange topic that’s been floating in my mind is my femininity. After that …