There’s something about the broad expanse of a man’s back that gets me unbelievably wet. It screams strength, power, and force. Just the sight of a bare back, those muscles flexed, that power displayed is enough to render me speechless and needy. I love a man’s back even more when it’s laid out before me …
I like to pretend I’m his special girl. Pulling on the sheer black hold ups, hooking garters to the tops, snapping on the black bra that shows the hard poke of my nipples, I think of his smile and the wicked gleam in his sharp eyes. He’ll unzip the tight blue dress I’m zipping up …
I went a month before my nightmares started up again. thirty days of undisturbed sleep where I talked myself into believing the change of scenery had “cured” me. That’s what I wanted to believe at least, that the fresh air had somehow pushed back the darkness and bad dreams that had filled life for the …
Her hips went up, exposing the delicious strip of her femininity to his eyes. He trailed a finger along the line of her back, around the curve of her bottom, skimming the wink of her back hole before slipping through the parted lips of her cunt. One finger pushed in and her wet heat swallowed …
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It’s been awhile because I’ve been taking a faster method to work, but the train is still my favorite way to go. – I haven’t wanted to suck cock in weeks, but something about the way he’s standing is making my mouth and my cunt water. The train is full enough that we’re both standing. …
There’s a weird sort of detached intimacy on the train. Few instances require such long periods of closeness with complete strangers. Eyes pretending to stare into space as you absorb the body heat of the person next to you. A thigh pressed to yours, a back against yours, a crotch at eye level inspiring lewd …
Been a while for this one too… — The trains been interesting lately. I’m fixated on the obviously gay young guy standing across from where I’m sitting, my music throbbing in my ear as I wonder about his proclivities when we reach a stop on the line. Out of the corner of my eye the …
It was an obligatory kiss. Too perfect in its execution to be anything but fake, mirroring the look in his eyes as he held her in his arms. She resisted the urge to wipe her hand across her mouth when he released her. The smell of coffee still on his breath seemed to linger on …