Haven’t done a prompt in forever so I’ll tackle 5SF Prompt: Ache — 1. In spite of her silence, the knock came again. Macy’s stomach twisted, fear and her too long ignored hunger gnawing her belly the closer she came to the door, to her fate. Throwing it open, she came face-to-face with her own …
I realized that I have a few decent stories that I haven’t bothered finishing. Humbling The Proud and Whisker Burn are two. I’ve decided to devote time to completing and editing both. So, I’m hoping that reposting some of the stories will help motivate me. Another unedited section for you. — “Tessa.” Her name was …
One thing you may not know about me is I have an unnatural love for all things Beauty and the Beast. Until I can get my mind together enough to write, enjoy this something old. (And for a laugh, watch this) “Those aren’t assumptions, those are facts. You have no idea how to treat a …
Brad watched his friends cluster around Pat, the man blushing a little as they ribbed him. Another around of beers appeared supplied by the waitress. The way the guys all followed the sway of her hips made Brad chuckle. Not that he could blame them, the skirt she wore barely covered her bottom which jiggled …
So why not? What if she said yes on her own terms? He trailed his fingers down her face and she felt that jolt again. That nagging voice in her mind reminded her that she shouldn’t hop back into his bed, but her body was practically panting to let him have her like only he …
“So, there’s this British guy that I adore.” She let her hand play along his collar, tugging at the stiff material and grazing the skin of his neck with her nails. The noise of the pub buzzed around them as she teased him by pressing closer to his side in the booth. His hands stayed …
My confinement continues without a foreseeable end. As of yet, I do not know how I came to be in this dark place only that I cannot escape. Even with my ability to open my eyes, I am still unable to detect much in the murky darkness, which adds to my feeling of hopelessness and …
Her eyes went to the cross the moment she entered the building. The blood along his pierced side and crowned head seemed to pulse as though freshly spilled. A lump formed in her throat as she took a little water and anointed herself, consecrated herself. The oak pews were empty, but she could picture them …
A different view… She looked up at him, really looked. He had on that easy smile she’d fallen for from the start, his hazel eyes full of that intensity that made her tingle. It was easy to get lost in the heat and lust. Her breasts felt so heavy, her lips swollen from his kiss, …
Merry Christmas. I’m a bit rusty so this is just to get me back into the swing of things. — She was going to hell. The special corner where car salesmen and straw market hawkers go. The thought circulated in her brain as she led him back to her room. She glanced over her shoulder …