Excuse me, but my eyes are up here.
Smut marathon is in round 2 voting. Go pick your top 3 for the round! I’m doing my own form of participation. The first paragraph is what Molly wrote for the first round. Everything after is mine. I believe I came in at 123 words. – The first time I saw her she was standing …
“Keep it down, Johnny, I’m trying to sleep.” Momma was always trying to sleep. She’d been trying to sleep for the last twenty-five years. From the moment she pushed me out and my daddy split, I was an afterthought. Between the booze, the coke, and the johns, sleep was all she cared about. She definitely …
I’ll be there for my snuggles in 5 days (6 with the flight!). I’m very excited. This is double the Snuglé, double the fun
NAME (and Twitter if you have one) Cara Thereon and you can find me @thereon_cara Tell us 3 things you are most looking forward to at Eroticon 2019 Being around people who are like minded and “know”,what feels like, the real me. Learning something new. Last year I feel like I learned so much and …
I’ve been here for ten weeks. The calendar above my cage marks the days with little hearts. I spent the first week of my time here staring at that calendar, mouth taped shut so no one could hear me scream, waiting for the next time he’d come to use me. My motions are methodical, careful …
Photo courtesy of Katteroo Welcome to Elust 115– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #116? Start with the rules, come …
She liked the bruises. The way they bloomed bright on her pearly skin; bright red at the first thwack of the crop, then purplish-blue, until it was yellow-green as it faded slowly. It was a joy to watch them change. The bruises are what brought her back. Her endured pain painted on her breasts, thighs, …