Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.

Call Me Crazy

I was reading an article earlier in my feeble attempts to help myself get up and ready for work. It was actually pretty thought provoking, something I’m not always big on at 5:20 am. A Message to Women From a Man: You Are Not “Crazy” The points contained within deal with society, men, and how …

Questions I ask myself

Exhausted, but wanted to write this incoherent gibberish before I crashed hard from a few days with so little sleep. “Explore your sexuality, but don’t lose your ideals.” I’d planned to tell you about my date(s). Had every intention of it because I enjoy sharing myself with everyone and writing helps me process. Except… After …

Never have I ever

So, for all my frank exploration and talk of sex, what you don’t know is I’ve been pretty sheltered. Some of it comes from an upbringing with an over protective mother (aggravated by the early loss of my father and an older sister who got pregnant young). I just didn’t get out much. There’s more …

Song Of The Week

Got my posts mixed up because I didn’t have the song of the week ready yesterday. Decided to combine it with Andy’s prompt. Prompt: Permanent Marker Word count: 199 (ish? I rearranged some things) “What. The fuck?!” The roar of his voice vibrating the bedroom walls made Vivian freeze. As if in slow motion, she …

My Mind @ Work

Currently at work about to start that 12 (11 now) hour routine. It’s a holiday, not the point of this post, but it’s worth saying Happy 4th to my fellow Americans. I’ve been thinking, considering things over the last few days. One strange topic that’s been floating in my mind is my femininity. After that …