I may be the only one like this, but I feel low after sex.
No, the sex wasn’t bad. It just feels like I drop emotionally and am left feeling… Uncertain? Uncomfortable? Un-something.
It may be the build up that makes the drop feel so hard. As if I’m reaching for a continued connection, but there’s nothing to connect to. I find I need the emotional connection that comes with the physical and it’s just not available to me.
I’m all loose ends right now.
In between jobs, trying to sort out the next major steps in my life, battling nerves. I need… Something to ground me and I can’t figure out what that something is.
I maybe be doing more candid posts in the future just to get a little clarity. Just hang with me, okay?
Merry Christmas – I always think you’re great!
Merry Christmas to you, my friend
Merry Christmas, sweetie. I missed you. Post whatever you want to share.
Merry Christmas to you and your honey
Merry Christmas my friend, I’m thinking of you :-*
Merry Christmas ❤️
I’ll be around no matter what 🙂