Follow along I felt the throb of the word he carved into my back. He etched slowly, I couldn’t quite figure out what, the pain and desire clouding my brain. He’d found a kink I didn’t know existed and played with it. The way his body pressed into mine as he’d worked had sent me …
I’m shit at sharing our shit, but I’m determined to put up some of the posts I’ve enjoyed over the month. Here’s your September posts in review. – Aurora Glory shared this very vulnerable and honest post. Share Your Pain & it Will Go Away Having recently gotten my IUD replaced, something I keep meaning …
Follow along “Let’s begin again, detective. I’m here because you want me here.” “I…” “Don’t worry. I know what you want. I’ve known since the moment we met.” This moment was surreal. He sat across from me, looking every inch the picture of a cat who got its cream. I couldn’t decide if I would …
Follow up A month had passed. A month of me looking over my fucking shoulder, waiting for him to come to me again. Secretly longing for it and waking in the middle of the night gasping with that need. It had been quiet in homicide. The usual cases came through, distracting me from the thoughts …
Follow along “Aren’t you a pretty thing…” I had to be dreaming. I struggled to wake, but something kept pulling me back down into sleep. Fingertips traced my face, then my lips. I parted them and I felt the touch on my tongue. Before my mouth could close, could taste his skin, the finger moved …
Follow along “I’ve been a bad girl and he’s helping me to be better. I’m learning what it means to be good. It’s sitting up straight, eating my vegetables, and doing everything he tells me to. I am safe–“ The writing is shaky, the letters barely legible at points. I sit it down and glanced …
Photo courtesy of Lido ~ Exposing40 Welcome to Elust 110– The only place where the smartest and hottest sex bloggers are featured under one roof every month. Whether you’re looking for sex journalism, erotic writing, relationship advice or kinky discussions it’ll be here at Elust. Want to be included in Elust #111? Start with the …
Follow along Bare mattress on a bolted down metal cot, and naked walls with a single lightbulb dangling from the ceiling. The light didn’t extend back enough to illuminate the entire cell, but I was able to make out his form on the cot. “How very Silence of the Lambs.” His voice pierced the silence, …