Child’s Eyes

I watched this video and it made me think of a different tale that inspired me to write a story earlier this year. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is far more complicated than just fist and bruises. The impact is deep and far-reaching. Listen to the video first, it’ll make your stomach ache. — …

#MM Fail

Yes, a masturbation fail. I worked a multiple long shifts during daylight hours and just couldn’t get to this week’s MasturbationMonday prompt. A damn shame considering that’s some hot stuff right there! Wanted to let people know I’m not a MM dropout, I dropped the ball this week. I’m hanging my head, folks! Vacation starts …

Good Stock

Old short.   — Irritation surged when boots nudged her feet apart, baring her backside to the men standing behind her. The bit cut into the corners of her mouth, a bitter reminder of her lot in life. No better than an animal, life had twisted and brought her to this place of shame. An …


Unedited. My taste for the voyeuristic is showing.  – Adjusting her binoculars, Desiree watched as he stepped out on his balcony at 2:25 pm exactly. Warmth bloomed low in her gut as she thanked God for her neighbor’s habits. Their backyards abut, something she’d become increasingly grateful for since the first moment she’d happened to …