Month: April 2014


This body obeys only my command I’ll not bend to your request for favors Your fervor to claim me will go unanswered Your demands to wrap me in silk will remain unfulfilled I do not a master in you seek Nor a Dom, a Daddy, or a man to place me in chains Your assumptions …

Say It

Dark clouds Hurt feelings A longing to express Held captive By the need to remain silent Vulnerable, nursing gaping wounds Pain intertwines with confusion Words form a single file line ready for release Give voice to fetid feelings Diminish the choking hold Let pain slip beyond clamped lips To produce a calm heart set to …


Been thinking about this post I’m old enough Age, experience, time Accomplished enough Degrees, wisdom, ability That I should open my eyes each day And know I’m capable More than able Can take on the world With the snap of my fingers Except a fear resides in me A worry that I can’t That I …

Seat 19A

A different angle while I sort out Missy. His face wavered before her eyes, his expression morphing as the tears swam in her vision. She felt frozen, hovering above a yawning black chasm that was moments from swallowing her whole. The coo of her child seemed distant in her ears. She found she squeezed Kyle …

Woven Deep

She was beautiful to him without even trying. Her imperfect parts they called to him With vulnerable eyes and sweet scent She was his in the most basic ways And he craved her, felt her in his blood Her essence woven intricately with his own Until he felt bound to her Until each breath became …


It was a question posed to her every so often. A funny question that always made her laugh when initially asked, but then later it would work its way into her psyche like a drill. There was a pile of invisible brain matter on her night stand for the times it had made her think …