Tag Archives: writing


I realized the rate of quality stories coming from me has dropped lately. There are probably a host of reasons including the fact that I’m acting out more of my fantasies so there isn’t as much to write about. Then again, I’m wondering if it stems from a lack of true inspiration on my part. …


I haven’t been able to write in days. It’s like the stories are stuck. Stories on the train has been brewing, but I’ve been distracted. My hope is it’ll bubble up soon. Here’s just something short and unedited to loosen the cobwebs. A pic is up on twitter to accompany this. I sit in the …

Song Of The Week

Got my posts mixed up because I didn’t have the song of the week ready yesterday. Decided to combine it with Andy’s prompt. Prompt: Permanent Marker Word count: 199 (ish? I rearranged some things) “What. The fuck?!” The roar of his voice vibrating the bedroom walls made Vivian freeze. As if in slow motion, she …