My confinement continues without a foreseeable end. As of yet, I do not know how I came to be in this dark place only that I cannot escape. Even with my ability to open my eyes, I am still unable to detect much in the murky darkness, which adds to my feeling of hopelessness and …
Her eyes went to the cross the moment she entered the building. The blood along his pierced side and crowned head seemed to pulse as though freshly spilled. A lump formed in her throat as she took a little water and anointed herself, consecrated herself. The oak pews were empty, but she could picture them …
A different view… She looked up at him, really looked. He had on that easy smile she’d fallen for from the start, his hazel eyes full of that intensity that made her tingle. It was easy to get lost in the heat and lust. Her breasts felt so heavy, her lips swollen from his kiss, …
The way his eyes roamed over her body went to her head faster than the eggnog in her cup. Seeing him after so long startled her more than it should have. The fact that they ran in the same circles made their meeting again likely, but she hadn’t expected the fire in his eyes. The …
Merry Christmas. I’m a bit rusty so this is just to get me back into the swing of things. — She was going to hell. The special corner where car salesmen and straw market hawkers go. The thought circulated in her brain as she led him back to her room. She glanced over her shoulder …
There’s something about the broad expanse of a man’s back that gets me unbelievably wet. It screams strength, power, and force. Just the sight of a bare back, those muscles flexed, that power displayed is enough to render me speechless and needy. I love a man’s back even more when it’s laid out before me …
I like to pretend I’m his special girl. Pulling on the sheer black hold ups, hooking garters to the tops, snapping on the black bra that shows the hard poke of my nipples, I think of his smile and the wicked gleam in his sharp eyes. He’ll unzip the tight blue dress I’m zipping up …
Some lovers are only a memory written out so you don’t forget them even though you should. Others become shadows that haunt your mind, that you find creeping into your thoughts as you butter your toast or the moment you pull a beer out of the fridge. You didn’t think you had a reason to …
Crumpling the paper, he tossed it in the garbage can near the door barely registering the sound as it thumped against the metal. More wasted words, more wasted effort, more wasted dreams. Despair hung heavy over him as the pen stayed poised over the blank page. Why wouldn’t the words come? They’d stalled on the …
I can’t let NaNo go completely. I can’t say for sure where this falls in the story, but it’s in there. NaNo’s unedited so forgive me for not correcting here. The moment he slid into her wetness he felt like he’d come home. Brushing a finger over her full bottom lip, he just grazed the edge …