Site icon Cara Thereon

Blog Me, Baby

I just realized that I totally missed my 5 year blog-iversary.

I figured it wouldn’t hurt to do a little history of me and my blogging/writing for conversation’s sake.

Journaling had always been something I turned to as a child. It was where I went to spill my guts about boys and things I was too scared to share. All the confusing things lived in my journal because it was safe. I still have my old journals from elementary school through high school. I also have books I’d write stories in. They still live in my old room at mother’s house in the closet high on a shelf. I can’t get rid of them because it’s like trashing my childhood.

I have a patently bad memory when it comes to early childhood. Could be blamed on trauma (physical or mental) or the fact that remembering things didn’t matter. If it was important, it made it in the journals. If not, it was forgotten.

I started blogging around November 4, 2004 on a now (pretty much) defunct site called Xanga. A friend from church had another friend from her school who introduced her to it and I started blogging there too. I was never ever got much traffic on there except the one time I partnered with a very popular person on the site to conduct a social experiment. Blogging back then was just an electronic diary. It took the place of my physical journal, becoming another place I could be honest without anyone seeing. Not being popular has its perks.

When Xanga started its downward spiral, I saw many people were jumping ship to so I went too. I started under my real name and just kinda posted what was on my mind. No one noticed me, nor was I freshly pressed (for those who remember that), but I wasn’t interacting with anyone.

I switched to writing at some point. Maybe it’s when I stumbled across memes and other bloggers, maybe I just got a bug to write again. I’d posted a story or two on Xanga, but I really started up on WordPress. I’d participated in some weekly story prompts, but kept it pretty tame.

Around 2010, I started discovering kink and after a year or two the things I wrote about changed. I was talking about wanting to be spanked, finding an interest in kink, reading about submission, and writing out fantasies. It was probably around 2012 I changed my name to a pseudonym. In that year, I started seriously writing erotica as more than a passing thing though it was still hard to put it out on the internet. Even took a stab at self-publishing (which was a flaming disaster, but I can direct you to the book if you ever want to read it).

2013 rolls around and a family member, whom I later realized had been following my blog through my changes, outed me. It sent me into a complete tailspin. This particular ex-family member can be spiteful to the point of harm so I did what any person would do…

I became Cara Thereon.

My first post under Cara Thereon was Keeping it moving. Written on February 26, 2013 after I made a big move.

Cara Thereon is an anagram of my legal name. Eroticon was the first time I’ve really actively identified as Cara as few people had called me that prior to this.

Most popular posts to date are Date Night, Everybody Poops, and A Kind Touch.

I’m not good at picking favorites because I’m a read it and forget it kind of girl, but this is my favorite (unfinished) series titled Whisker Burn. It has its own tab at the top on the homepage if you’d like to continue.

I took another stab at self-publishing (also not particularly awesome because promotion isn’t my forte, but here is a link), tried to just be a writer, and spread the Cara around.

I’m currently at 924 (925 after this one) published posts. There will a celebration when I get to 1,000.

With Daddy’s (Michael) help, I switched to self hosting last year when a lot of people were getting dumped by Oh, I got a DaddyDom in that timeframe also, he’s so lovely and I love him.

Writing is therapeutic, cathartic, and freeing. I’ve always said if I’m not writing well it means my mind is troubled. I also feel I’m a far better writer than talker.

I’m better at interacting with bloggers and still pretty under the radar. I’ve blogged a lot, self-published a thing or two, and learned a lot about myself. A few people have been with me for a long while and that’s awesome. More writing to be had, yes?

So happy, late, blogiversary to me.

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