Site icon Cara Thereon

Keep it simple

Cara's bum with some marks on it, by a window where it's got light and shadow on it.

I’ve thought about how I want to write. Sadly, the thought that immediately follows is “it’s going to happen”. So instead of fretting and fixating on how it may or may not happen, I decided to use today’s post for something simple; a house for possible story ideas for the month.

I mentioned that gangbang dream I had, I want to note it here so I can come back to write it out. It was sooo good and would make a fabulous story. I woke up sopping wet and surprised.

More ideas:

This is open for public contribution. If there’s one that catches your eye or you have an idea that’ll jump start me, leave it in the comments.

I’m working on changing my mind set (I really need to set an appointment with my therapist to talk about my block), but it helps having some kind of ideas. Instead of ignoring them, I want to give them some attention so maybe I’ll get the words out. Whatever works, right?

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