“I’d rather be an old man’s sweetheart than a young man’s fool.”
That’s a saying I learned from my mother. She’d mention it from time to time when the topic of dating came up. She’d been with a young man early in life and it took an older man to teach her a little about love.
There is a bit of an age gap between DomSigns and I. For a bit of reference, I am 33 and he is going to turn 57 shortly. In my mind, that’s not a large age difference as there was a 20+ year age difference between my parents.
It’s interesting how I don’t always consider, nor am I aware of the gap. He’s still a man, one who is very good at arousing me when I’m around him. I spent a lot of my visit naked or nearly so and just the thought of being touched by him made me wet.
I’ve thought about whether I have secret daddy issues. I lost my father when I was very young and haven’t had a true father figure in my life. That’s a lot of formative years without a man to guide you. I don’t think I’ve done too terribly growing into a woman without a father, but it can make a difference when it comes to confidence.
I don’t believe that means I look at him and consider him a substitute for my father. I mean, I call him Daddy because in many ways he brings out that little girl inside me. But… I don’t feel about him the way I felt about my father. If I felt for my dad or did the things with my dad that I’ve done with DomSigns, we’d be discussing something else entirely.
I do like that he’s older. That he’s got silver in his hair and knowledge in his eyes. I like that his hands know what to do, that his body understands, and that he’s mature in ways that a younger man isn’t.
Bottom line is he is unique. Even at a distance he cares for me. He’s an amazing cook, he is so handsome, and he understands me better than any man has ever made an effort to. I don’t think his age matters much in the equation, just like my skin color doesn’t matter.
He’s my Daddy. Not too old, not too young, but just right.