Site icon Cara Thereon

Just Zen

This week’s Lingerie Is For Everyone is about self love going into Valentine’s Day.

It’s easy to say this made up holiday has no meaning, but it’s hard to ignore when others participate in it. I often contemplate how Valentine’s Day can make you feel a bit left out in love. Getting little cards in school or candies from someone who likes you. Flowers, surprise gifts, or something that means someone notices you. I never got those things.

Self-love has meant self-care to me.

Me, pre-run. I don’t feel sexy, but this is often how I look. My everyday sports bra. Winter has made maintaining fitness difficult, but I’m trying to retrain my brain to remind myself that there are dips and they are okay. My body is allowed to change, I’m allowed to eat and enjoy food. My dedication to my personal fitness will bob back up again. I just need to zen for now.

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