Site icon Cara Thereon

Mind over matter 

I’ve been in a mood lately. I’d like to blame the fact that I haven’t gotten laid or spanked in months, but it’s probably not related to that at all. 

My body is just being mutinous in general and it’s having an effect on my creativity. I’m feeling unattractive and no amount of running (I run 3 miles 3 times a week) or job satisfaction (I’m working 40 hours and I’m feeling burnt out) is fixing my attitude. 

I’m trying to stay with my goal to post something everyday until the end of the month, but work is killing me. I wouldn’t mind getting laid, but I’m still unsure about breaking my sex sabbatical I’m on. Dating has left me a little too wounded to be bothered with anyone. 

So what does that get you for today’s post? Other than a pair of sweaty boobs? 

Not much apparently. It certainly isn’t getting me anything except a salad. 

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