Site icon Cara Thereon

Become Cara

So, without realizing it, my year anniversary flew past. I figured I should at least make note of the event and chit-chat a bit.

I’ve wondered who I’ve become.  I was under a completely different pen name and blogging site last year, but the threat of exposure forced my hand.  Ultimately I have to thank the person… Hold the phone, like hell I’ll thank her for being a total bitch… What I will say is that the change has been a great thing for me as an aspiring writer.

I’m much more fearless with my writing than I’d been before. Less apologizing and more writing the things that live deep inside. The freedom is much appreciated because I think it’s made me a far better writer.

The last year has meant I’ve experienced other things in my personal life.  Exploring kinks, desires, fun things I wouldn’t have before. My understanding of myself has changed a bit and my confidence has grown by leaps and bounds

I wouldn’t give up my writing to appease someone else so I made a change. A damn good one if I do say so myself. Becoming Cara was a decision driven by necessity, but ended up being a good choice. Hindsight is always 20/20.

In other news, I’m thinking of making all my provocative photos private on here. Just thinking about the risk/consequence of displaying myself thusly when I want to make another stab at publishing (and in general).  I will be taking them off Twitter and dedicating a tab to here on my site. If you’d like to have the password to that tab, please see the contact form under my  Just About tab. I’ll let you know when I decide and make the tab live.

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