Site icon Cara Thereon

My Day

It’s my birthday today!

I’m 29, the last year of my 20s underway. What’s on my mind? The things I reveal on my blog.

My forays into dating lately have made me question not the nature of this blog, but whether I need to tell potential beaus about it. I put my link up on a few sites where I’ve met someone and have started wondering if that’s smart.

Should potential dates have access to this site?

I tend to be noticeably closed lipped when it comes to certain sexual interactions. I give all things in story form as to protect the innocent (me). Letting someone in this personal space takes away my ability to say what I want even in story form. No guy wants to read about how I felt about his cock or the spanking he gave me. He certainly doesn’t want to read those things if I’ve said less than stellar stuff about him.

But I don’t want to lose this space just to spare someone’s feelings or avoid conflict.

I’ve done that bullshit before, the dancing around my feelings and thoughts because someone I know will read and take issue. Puts me in a terrible place.

So, what does this have to do with my birthday? Everything, but I can’t really explain why. What I will talk about is my goal for the next year, which is to be the woman that shines. There is so much that goes into that… Spiritual reawakening/recommitment, physical revamping, mental overhaul, emotional cleansing. Figuring out exactly what I want and taking it. Getting out of my shell when it comes to dating. Vague, but good in my mind.

Goals for my writing? For the first time in years I have none. Just to continue writing what makes me hot. Though a minor goal is to finish a few of the stories that I love, like Whisker Burn and Hunter’s Gazelle.

As for the things I’d hoped to do by now? I’ve done okay there. Nothing ever goes exactly how you’d hope, but that’s life. There’s still time to check things off my list. 😉

Happy birthday to me!

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