Site icon Cara Thereon

Frustrated Feelings

My mind is all over the place lately (I’m beginning to think black moods are just part of being a writer). The bad thing is my creativity is suffering. So, I guess I’ll take a few days off.

Here’s some more poetry. If you want a story, check out the tabs above. Book Reports is my new one for book reviews.

But only if you’re interested…

Never enough
I am

Struggling, striving to
Be me, but
It’s never enough

For you
For me to
Satisfy anyone
Leaving me broken up

Get up and go
But where?
Because the specter
Of expectation (yours and mine)
Follows me too close

Just once I wish
I was enough
My smile, my words, these stories
The heart in me that beats
So fast with passion
I haven’t experienced yet

But I’ll never measure up
God… It’s making me
Shrivel up
Enough, I want to…
But I’m never enough
For anyone, for no one
For myself

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