Site icon Cara Thereon

Time to play, little bird

Greenish tinged fence “Keep it down, Johnny, I’m trying to sleep.”

Momma was always trying to sleep. She’d been trying to sleep for the last twenty-five years. From the moment she pushed me out and my daddy split, I was an afterthought. Between the booze, the coke, and the johns, sleep was all she cared about.

She definitely didn’t care about me.

Probably for the best. If she knew what I was up to down here, she may wake up long enough to do something about my habit.

My habit.

I stepped outside when I was sure the booze had soothed momma back to sleep. Darkness surrounds me, seeping into my skin. I feel myself becoming a different person. A soft sigh filters through my lips, sending a puff of white steam out as my breath hits the cold air.

Excitement fills me. My cock is semi hard in my heavy denim trousers, already chafing along the zipper as I try to hold myself back from going to the shed just yet. My restraint won’t last long, but I like to try. I like to let my mind wander to that perfect place before I go to do my tests.

I hear the fence rattle. Ah, they’ve managed to find a way out of the cage. I liked the smart ones, it made things fun.

The fence rattles again. I keep meaning to fix that fence. It’s old and rickety, an eye sore really. A coat of paint to hide the stains they always seem to get on it. No one ever stays put and I end up making a terrible mess.

Walking along the garden, the plastic shoe covers crinkling with each step, I contemplated the last time I ventured this way. A few weeks ago. I enjoyed the ending of that visit to the shed.

I try not to find ones to play with too often. Getting rid of them is tough and momma asks too many questions about where I go.

Waiting too long isn’t an option. It’s a craving that makes my heart race and my skin tingle with need. I’ve force myself to wait until my brain practically buzzes with that lust. Wait too long and I’ll glut myself on their blood and their screams, losing all control.

The old fence rattles again as I get closer and my breath catches. Or maybe it’s their breath I hear. They know I’m coming. The frantic breathing makes my cock harden just a little more.

I whistle a little twirling sound as the latch clacked and the sound of feet whispering on the ground reaches my ears. Ah, my favorite part, the chase.

“Were you trying to fly away, little bird?” My words are barely above a whisper, but I know they hear.

One beat, two beats, and then I set off after them.

Lust rears up hard as I sprint around the shed, knowing I’ll have them in my grasp before they can exit the yard. My vision narrows and I see a body running, a little birdie trying to escape.

I wrap an arm around their waist before they can make it far. Pressing their body back against mine, my cock pressing into their wiggling butt, I clamp a hand around their mouth. The way they struggle, sweet god, it makes me want to fuck them right there in the wet grass.

“Naughty. We can’t play like that.”

Dragging them back to the shed, I let them hear the fence gate slam shut behind us before I lock it again. I like for them to hear it, feel the thud reverberate. The finality behind it also seems to send an extra jolt of beautiful fear through them. I can always smell that sweet emotion in the air.

I carry them into the darkness, my eyes adjusting quickly. We pass their cell and I lay them on the steel exam table, strapping them down before they can get away. Grabbing a prefilled syringe, one I mixed with the right medicines to keep them alive and alert but oh so still, I flip on the single bulb so they can see me. See my smile and what’s to come.

“Time to play, little bird.” I savor the terror in their eyes. “We have so much playing to do.”

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