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Bare Necessities

I feel like wearing fishnets is some cool fashion thing that I totally missed the boat on. That cool thing all girls are interested in doing or experiencing because it’s sexy and makes your legs look fun.

Honestly, I’ve never been a fishnet person. I’ve never been one to wear hose, hold ups, stockings, or anything on my legs.

It’s not because I don’t like them. I own stockings and garters that look sexy with corsets I have. My drawer is filled with pretty things and I’ve taken a photo or two with me wearing them.

I just don’t really wear anything on my legs. Partly because of laziness and maybe slightly because I don’t think they look sexy on me. That encompasses all hosiery that falls into that category.

The plus side is I don’t have any negative feelings or history tied to fishnets. I think they look awesome on women, don’t see any shame about wearing them, and know they can evoke sexiness. My mind just doesn’t intentionally skip to wearing fishnets as an accessory to wear for a date.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve lived with a mother who’s practical and tend to be practical myself. If it can be done bare legged, I’ll do it.

I feel like I missed the boat.

Like because they didn’t make an appearance in my formative years (no women I knew were wearing them, not something I saw on my peers, or something I really saw on TV), I don’t have an opinion. I’m just… ambivalent and that’s strange to me.

This was the first time I’d ever tried a body stocking. It looks really hot on me and against my skin, but I don’t find I have this need to be in fishnets.

Or this lovely photo by Molly. The fishnets looked and felt awesome against my skin. I had a lovely little spanking where the pattern was almost etched into my skin. As I was being spanked, I was told to rub my clit and it was easy to do with the holes. Even after all that I still don’t possess any strong feelings about fishnets.

They are sexy, but I find I’m rather meh about this or any hosiery. I almost feel bad writing a post about my non-existent feelings instead of a sexy story. So here’s a sexy short story too?

She contemplated her bare legs in the mirror. The dress, a black number that barely covered her ass, needed a little something to catch his eye.

Reaching into her drawer, she pulled out her red fishnets. Stepping into them, they slid up her thighs and over her naked bum. The seam sat right between her labia, becoming a delicious rub on her clit as she shifted it to the perfect spot.

It was easy to imagine his finger pressing there, right over that seam, as they ate dinner.

“You ready to go?”

She slipped into her shoes and followed him out the door.

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