Site icon Cara Thereon

On The Real #Eroticon


I’ll keep this short, but I wanted to say this really quickly.

Today starts the conference. Officially at least. The good part about arriving so early (and being on close terms with the organizers) means I’ve had the opportunity to meet so many people already.

Some I’ve met at munches. One very lovely lady at LAM. Some while stuffing bags. The large majority I met last night at the (huge) meet and greet.

I’ve been to a few conferences, even conferences where I knew one or two people, but this conference feels different. It confirmed a lot of how I felt the community was.

We are real people.

I’ve read some people for years. Nearly 10 years for some people. Others it’s been far shorter. Less than a year.

It did my soul good to see people and have them be exactly who I imagined they’d be in real life. Fun, sweet, lovely. I wanted to cry when I gave a few people hugs because it completed this picture in my head and it was spot on.

Blogging, sex blogging, is revealing. If I’ve seen your ass/tits/cock/cunt, I feel like I know you. Well, I feel like I’ve seen vulnerable you, and I’ve read your sexy bits and your not so sexy bits.

We aren’t perfect people.

Who we are on the blog isn’t always the same (or is a subdued version) as who we are in real life. We have many things going on we don’t reveal. Struggles we only allude to in our writing.

Many of us are introverts. We’re okay with revealing our bits, but many of us are shy as hell. Peopling for long periods is taxing, but we’re here to get to know each other and learn.

I feel like this community is amazing. I’m glad to be a part of it and learn.

Here’s to stepping from behind the screen and being (marginally) social this weekend.

So happy first day of Eroticon.

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