Site icon Cara Thereon

Oh! You’re Serious

Oh dating. Nothing produces more DAFUQ moments then trying to wade the dating pool.

I’m pretty new to the dating scene (lack of prospects + lack of opportunity = lack of dating), but I’m finding the whole thing funny at times and disconcerting at others. Some guys come on waaaaay too strong!

Yes, I do want a spanking, but I determine when/where/how much. And by who. I’m willing to talk about that and other things of a sexual nature, but I’m not doing a damn thing with you until I determine whether you’re someone with whom I’m willing to share that intimate moment.

Like who asks a girl you’ve just started chatting up to a strip club? Yes, I’ve been and enjoyed it, but it was a special circumstance. I’m not going to just go to a strip club with a guy I just met. On a first date.

Pssh, boy please. You trippin’. I’d take a coffee date instead.

So then my issue becomes how to let these guys down? How do I say…

“You’re not my type. Honestly, you’re pushy, odd, and more awkward than I am. Perhaps I should run the hell away from you immediately. Kthxbye.”

…without hurting someone’s feelings? Seriously… How?

I’m not trying to string these guys along. I’m bad a rejecting a) because I have so little practice at it, and b) I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings.

I like the attention, but there’s some strange people out there.

Speaking of… I have a date Thursday night. Lets see how that goes. Who wants to be my emergency call in case it doesn’t go well?

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