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Song Of The Week

Got my posts mixed up because I didn’t have the song of the week ready yesterday. Decided to combine it with Andy’s prompt.

Prompt: Permanent Marker
Word count: 199 (ish? I rearranged some things)

“What. The fuck?!”

The roar of his voice vibrating the bedroom walls made Vivian freeze. As if in slow motion, she turned to see him clenching the letters in his fists. She knew the damning evidence they contained, but she still tried to offer an excuse. Anything to hold on to the relationship they’d just salvaged.


Their eyes met and Vivian cringed. Rage spread like graffiti across Mark’s face, marring his handsome features. Her mouth opened, but shut just as quickly.

He released the letters and she watched them fall, dropping like her hopes to the ground. Regret and guilt rose like bile in the back of her throat. No amount of swallowing rid the bitter taste from her mouth.

“I thought I was what you wanted, Vivian.” She shuddered at the calm in his voice. “Isn’t that what you told me?”

Isn’t it?

“You were,” she choked out.

Were. That word lingered, scrawled in permanent marker across their love. He’d hurt her and now she hurt him.

She almost wished he’d scream at her. The venting of that rage would make her feel absolved, but he just walked away leaving her drowning in her lies.

Hey! I noticed yesterday I had a serious increase of followers over last few days. One away from 100. Do you think I should do something to recognize the moment? Open to all suggestions. Leave it in the comments.

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