Site icon Cara Thereon

Here It Is… Again?

(Unedited ramblings alert!)

Okay, I feel like I need to say a bit more on the topic. Or maybe I’ve said too much already?

Anyway, I think most of my distaste for this stems from the fact that no real sustaining recognition is given with these “Top (insert whatever) Blogger” posts. I’ve been on at least once, low in the standings, and I was initially excited. But the long term effects aren’t there.

Contrary to what the life of this blog shows, I’ve actually been blogging in one form or another continuously for almost 10 years. The content has changed and I’ve developed a lot, but I’m not new to this. I comment as regularly as I can on other people’s posts even if they don’t post often. I engage outside of my own blog as much as work allows. I try, but it isn’t enough.

Who am I blogging for? Have I mentioned that I hate that question? I do. A lot actually. Why have a public blog if it’s solely for you? I want people to read, get off on, and respond to my stories the same way I do. I enjoy, love, breathe writing and I want it to be see and enjoyed/loved/breathed in with the same fervor. Lofty.

I can say with certainty that there is a formula to this and it requires work and the ability to garner the right following. I’ve tried some of those things. I actually had a situation on a blog long ago where I agreed to participate in an experiment to see if people can be driven to a blog under the right circumstances. Would you believe it worked. I did nothing and a few well orchestrated behind the scenes movements drove my stats through the roof.

It did not last. Maybe it’s my content? Me? My voice? My lack of effort and keeping up? I don’t know.

So what have I learned? Good content isn’t enough. You have to have a certain degree of determination and the ability to get people to advertise and work for you.

I’ve tried the publishing of books and the pushing of my blog. I’ve tried asking for beta readers and self-advertising. I’ve tried memes and other similar posts. I’m not good at asking for help so I end up giving up.

I know my writing is decent and engaging to a degree. I know I have dedicated readers who may or may not comment. I know the tricks to make it happen. But I also know I am not the kind of person who naturally brings that attention and keeps it. I am not engaging or decent enough.

It all sounds like whining, shunning things like Top Blogger when it can help. Maybe it is. Maybe I’m jealous and frustrated that my years of blogging mean very little in the scheme of things. I’m admittedly vain.

I want people to want to read without killing myself in order to get them to notice me. I’m not that amazing by any stretch so I just continue on and bitch about the lack of comments.

I tip my hat those those with the amazing ability to get people in the door to read their content. I can’t do all that which means I’ll just stop whining about what I don’t have. I’ll keep writing. That’s all I have is the writing.

Good luck to those wanting Top Sex Blogger spots. You’ll do well in the races. 🙂

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