Site icon Cara Thereon


His eyes strayed to the exposed curve of her breast for the fifth time in the last few minutes. Blue veins ran down from the top in intricate patterns that beckoned him to come trace each one with his tongue. He shuddered, shifting in his seat as his pants tightened that much more.

The baby at her breast murmured, nuzzling her with its tiny hands and swallowing audibly. My God, he was jealous. What the hell was wrong with him?

No one else in the coffee shop paid any attention to her and the creamy expense of skin spilling out, but he couldn’t seem to look away. So full and shiny, erotic in all the ways it shouldn’t be to him.

His mouth watered to taste the thick mother’s milk as it flowed warm over his tongue. Would it be sweet like condensed milk, or heavy cream, or honey? Or would it have a salty taste as it coated his palate? A taste distinctly hers?

Just the thought of the puff of her nipple pillowed between his tongue and the roof of his mouth made him squirm. There was a real possibility he’d cum in his khakis if he didn’t curb this fantasy.

A groan bubbled up and he barely contained it. Shame nipped at him for desiring to experience that, her. He was sexualizing the most innocent act in nature.

None of his self-flagellation stopped him from glancing over again.

This time his gaze strayed to her face. Dark eyes narrowed on him and he felt his cheeks flame at being caught staring. His good sense told him to flee and he agreed that was a smart idea on his part. Pushing back from the table, the chair scraped the tiled floor and then toppled with a loud clatter. Every eye turned his direction and his mortification multiplied. He scrambled to right it and collect his lukewarm cup of coffee before he did anything else to embarrass himself.

He promised he wouldn’t look as he passed, but no amount of coaching stopped his eyes from doing just that. So close, that full globe of flesh was even more delicious. He almost slowed, so great was his need to touch, but strode past.

Bursting into the chilled outdoors he drew in a lungful of air, hoping to steady himself. It only made him more aware of the tightness of his groin.

The drive back to his office was excruciating, the blood surging instead of receding as his thoughts continued circling back to the question of her taste. Even cupping a staying hand over the bulge did nothing to lessen the ache.

By the time he drove into the garage he was at his boiling point. He pulled into a secluded spot away from other cars and released himself from the confines of his pants. A single swipe across the leaking head had him groaning so he knew it would take little to send him over the edge.

Unable to fully understand his taboo desire, but bound to heed it, he stroked himself to thoughts of suckling at her breast.

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