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Update (or work is killing my soul)

Sorry that the stories have spaced out. I’m working 12 hour nights and it takes a serious toll on me.

There’s a half-finished story rotting away in my draft box. It’s been there since January, the poor thing! It has so much potential, but I haven’t had the energy to finish it and I can’t bring myself to delete the 1k words. Maybe some day it’ll see the light…

So, if you remember my 30 before 30 list (and don’t worry if you don’t, I haven’t exactly made a ton of headway on it with 5 months remaining), one goal was to query/send a completed story out. I’ve gotten Hunter’s Gazelle through a number of edits and I’m fairly satisfied with it. A tweaking should make it palatable to readers. They may actually like it, but who the hell knows. Really, when is a manuscript ever good enough? I’m surprised I’ve stuck with this one long enough to get it through so many edits!

Anyway, I happened to see a tweet about a BDSM writers con in New York August 21-24. What a novel idea! My interest was piqued. It’s not geared just towards writers which makes it even more interesting to me. My level of interest soared when I saw the book contest details

I may put a high shine on HG and try submitting it. What’s it going to hurt, eh? If they don’t like it, I can send it through another edit and take a stab at querying. The other option is self-publishing again. No risk, no reward though.

So, there’s my update. Work is destroying my life creativity, bucket list is not even partially complete, may submit a story, someday my prince will come.

And on that note, I need more sleep.

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