Site icon Cara Thereon


If you’re following along, you’ll remember I’d decided to post an ad on Craigslist. It was done mostly as a dare with the end result being the mother lode of blog fodder. So not serious, low expectations, ready for a good laugh.

Case in point is the gentleman who took offense to my height “requirements”. My email was littered with all sorts of folks looking to sink their teeth (or their dick more accurately) into my ass. I was prepared to write my post filled with chuckle worthy moments, but damn it all, I managed to meet someone decent!

I mean, it shouldn’t be too much of a shock. The last time I ventured on Craigslist as a joke I managed to meet someone interesting. I had a great time with him until his life got a little more complicated than either of us could handle. A crying shame because he was fun. Has a little piece of my heart, that one does.

I was supposed to meet 2 guys that day, but one gave me bad vibes so I opted to reschedule. But this other guy..

Conversation is huge for me because it’s rare that I fall into easy interactions with someone I first meet. It’s what I look really hard for and he hooked me the moment he walked up and introduced himself.

There was this chemistry that burns between two people who are attracted to each other. You feel it and all you want to do is move closer, lean into them, touch them, stake a claim. I like this one, want this one, he is mine.

I was feeling him and his beautiful smile, long curly hair, and accent (I’m a fool for a foreign man. A damn fool). He kept his eyes on me the whole time, made me laugh with his teasing, and seemed attentive to every word. He paid for dinner and put me at ease as we walked through the park in the cool night air. We’d bump into each other as we moved, our arms and bodies brushing. I wanted to link arms with him, but couldn’t bite the bullet even though his body language seemed to invite the contact.

And he didn’t make the whole conversation about sex. For as much as I love it, I like so much more substance in my interactions.

I wanted to suspend my newly instated “no sex on the first 2 dates” rule. But I behaved because I had work the next morning.

When we parted on the platform of the train station, him going one direction and me going the other with plans to meet again soon, we both expressed how great the night had gone and then he pulled me into his arms for a hug.

And I melted into that tight, strong embrace like warm chocolate. He’s got a great body hidden under his clothes, I know it, but I liked that he chose that contact over anything else. More than that when he leaned in again to kiss my cheek as his train approached, I wanted to feel his lips on mine. He’d engaged my mind so well I wanted the intimacy of his kiss in that moment.

Now I’m working on keeping a level head, keeping my panties up for one more date, and trying not to fall all over myself for this guy. I like this one and that makes me incredibly nervous.

Another date on Wednesday that I’m looking forward to. I guess we’ll see.

So for the second time, Craigslist managed to pleasantly surprise me. I’ll be posting about a few of the out takes soon though. Oh boy will I ever.

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