Site icon Cara Thereon

A Good Kiss

This is going to be a weird confession, but it’s been on my mind.

I’m not a big fan of kissing.

Maybe it’s because I think it’s so intimate. Ha! I can have sex with a stranger out of curiosity, but find the act of kissing too intimate. I’ve had my bare ass spanked, my lips wrapped around a cock or two, mouths and fingers between my thighs and yet kissing seems too deep? I’ve got issues, folks.

My thinking is I haven’t really had that knock your socks off, blow your mind, stop time kind of kiss. During the act itself I’m thinking about the amount of germs I’m exchanging, how slobbery some people are, and how salty spit is. I find myself pulling away and avoiding that connection. The funny thing is I’m disappointed when most guys don’t try to kiss me after I pull away, they don’t try to show me that deeper level. I always feel just a little detached because of it.

I do feel awkward because of its intimacy though. Kissing builds a bridge that simple sex does not. Okay, sex is admittedly intimate, but in a different way in my mind.

Because I can look in your eyes, because I can look inside you (and you me) as we kiss, I want to pull away and keep a barrier in place. I’ll take the plunge of your cock, but not the thrust of your tongue.

It’s hard to explain it. I feel like I’m holding back, waiting for that kiss that’ll wow me. I don’t necessarily want the passion of sex without the full level of intimacy that comes with it.

Maybe it’s because I’ve been kissing frogs lately, eh? When’s a girl gonna get to kiss her prince already?

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