Tag Archives: dating

Look At Me

I’m remarkably thoughtful for so early in the morning. The blame rests solely on the fact that I’m starting work so my mind is working separate from my body. After the unfortunately brief interlude with the previous Mr, I’d decided that I needed a break from the treacherous pool that is dating. No dating, no …

What We Had

Just as it was picking up steam, it petered out. Yes, you’d be assuming right if your assumption was he decided to break things off with me. Because just like my previous post states, I’m not ready to settle down and do something serious right now. I guess he’s ready for all those things, plus …


We all have preferences in what we find attractive. Not that we are locked into that choice, but it can dictate what we naturally gravitate to sexually. I have always claimed to be an equal opportunity dater. If you’re attractive, no matter your skin color, I will date you. That being said, I know I …


I realized the rate of quality stories coming from me has dropped lately. There are probably a host of reasons including the fact that I’m acting out more of my fantasies so there isn’t as much to write about. Then again, I’m wondering if it stems from a lack of true inspiration on my part. …

Oh! You’re Serious

Oh dating. Nothing produces more DAFUQ moments then trying to wade the dating pool. I’m pretty new to the dating scene (lack of prospects + lack of opportunity = lack of dating), but I’m finding the whole thing funny at times and disconcerting at others. Some guys come on waaaaay too strong! Yes, I do …


I peel myself out of my leggings and pull on a pair of peach-colored panties. Disappointment hovers like a sour note over me as I trek to the kitchen for a Corona. I’m not planning on drowning my sorrows in alcohol, but I’ve needed a beer since Sunday evening and this is the only way …