Cara Thereon

I am a writer who wants nothing more than to express myself through my words. I'm old enough to write what I like and live where the weather suits me best.

Day 274

My confinement continues without a foreseeable end. As of yet, I do not know how I came to be in this dark place only that I cannot escape. Even with my ability to open my eyes, I am still unable to detect much in the murky darkness, which adds to my feeling of hopelessness and …


Her eyes went to the cross the moment she entered the building. The blood along his pierced side and crowned head seemed to pulse as though freshly spilled. A lump formed in her throat as she took a little water and anointed herself, consecrated herself. The oak pews were empty, but she could picture them …

Have You Back

The way his eyes roamed over her body went to her head faster than the eggnog in her cup. Seeing him after so long startled her more than it should have. The fact that they ran in the same circles made their meeting again likely, but she hadn’t expected the fire in his eyes. The …