
Just a feeling, right?
Until it becomes a tangible thing
More than a lump in my throat
More like I’m choking to death

I’m a sensitive soul
Offended by my upset sensibilities
Can’t quit my job, can I?
But enduring isn’t as fun as I thought it’d be

What’s bubbling up is this urge
To scream loud at the top of my lungs
Can’t explain it any better
Than leaving this place forever

I’ll practice the art of patience
Or some such bullshit to keep me sane
It’s not polite to go without explanation
But suffer the temptation to do it just the same


  1. pivoine68

    Hey! Breath slowly and deeply and know that the lump in your throat will pass.
    I’m hugging you from here, even if you can’t feel it.


  2. Nick

    I’m really sorry to hear that your job is run or staffed with unappreciative D I C K H E A D S.

    Just remember, it is not for ever. Regard it more like the test you had in your previous post, tied up tight and not allowed to touch, move or cum.

    And just imagine what they would look like naked. Out shopping. In an east coast winter.

  3. Caitlyn McConnell

    Mwah! It might now feel like it now, but my kisses are magical and they really do make things better. Just ask my 3 year old! *hugs and kisses* my dear, and remember things do get better.

    1. Post

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